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Create your own prioritization tool to bring order to your task space
Work Chat + Task Manager

Prioritize your actual tasks in your work chat with custom-created priorities that fit your work process

You can prioritize your tasks with custom-created priorities that reflect your work process
Bring your own approach to categorize tasks that work best for your workflow
It is now possible to do tasks prioritization directly in your work chat
It is a great tool to inform your team about the current priorities or to prepare list of tasks for yourself
During prioritization, you walk-through all of tasks connected to the smart app
It helps bring awareness to the full scope of tasks and it's hard to miss something
During custom prioritization you can create new task or even notes
Read more about functionality of creating tasks on this page
You can move tasks across the boards and columns by picking priority
You can link a specific priority to moving a task to a particular board and column in your task management software
You can configure which tasks you would get in your prioritization task list
It could be tasks from any or many boards and columns or assigned to you or any/multiple team members
Prioritization with custom priorities is the best way to make order in your/team/project/company tasks
Because Tasks Ninja is the best way to be more productive
Prioritization with custom priorities is the best way to make order in your/team/project/
company tasks
Prioritization with custom priorities is the best way to make order in your/team/
project/company tasks
You can create customized task priorities that fit your work process to run task prioritization or do task categorization in the most efficient way.
Prioritize your tasks with custom-created priorities
How does it work?
⚒ Just create personalized priorities (category) by setting the priority name and emoji for each priority and run it in your Slack channel.
The name of priority/category will be reflected on the button's name in the smart app.
⚙️ It's totally flexible and configurable which tasks you would get in your prioritization task list. It could be tasks from any or many columns or assigned to you or any team member.
As an additional valuable option, you can assign a priority to completed tasks and configure any priority to move your task to any column in Jira.
✨ By customizing your task prioritization, you can make the process more meaningful by reflecting your workflow, or add a touch of fun to make it more enjoyable.
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