Get teammates birthdays and important annual events notifications to a group chat of your company
Wish all your teammates a happy birthday on their birthday
You will never forget your teammates' birthdays and important company events again
Once the smart app is configured, you won't have to worry about missing your team members' birthdays
You can use subscription for 1 user only but bring value to whole company
You use subscription for 1 user and all your teammates get birthday and annual events notifications as viewers
It is so easy to request date of the birthday of team mate through the smart app
In case you don't know someone's birthday, you can ask the date via smartapp and your teammate get request to his or her work chat
Congratulate your teammates in a unique and personalized way
You can customize the text for each team member and make the congratulatory message personalized
Approve vacations and other events in your favorite work messengers like Slack or Telegram
Coming soon Discord, Microsoft Teams
You can easily manage important events of your team
It's very convenient to add and manager important dates and birthdays using smart app